Eat that frog with a Pomodoro!

Amna Arshad
2 min readJan 4, 2021

Are you also confused like me? Like, what to eat first, that frog or that red squishy Pomodoro (tomato in Italian)? :p

Result of me exploring the smooth strokes in Google Keep notes 😛

Well, it's up to you because both are going to help your system fight with the “Gratification monkey”

Source: Pinterest

Let me explain how!

If you’re also a procrastinator like me, you will be able to relate, how difficult it is to #just_start your most important tasks (MIT). The most difficult part about starting something very important is that we think we need to do it ONLY when we are not engaged in any other tasks and when we are fully occupied by our MIT, with no distractions, and no fun at all!

This makes us delay the task and we tell our brain to wait for the perfect time.

I have recently practiced a method of fighting procrastination called the “Pomodoro technique”.

The Pomodoro technique is a time management methodology where you work for 25 minutes followed by a short 3–5 minute break. You repeat the same cycle 4 times and take a longer break.

Source —

This method is actually suitable for those who cannot complete a huge task in one go and eventually fall into a procrastination cycle, you can stick to work by treating yourself with a snack after 1 Pomodoro, I also did the same ;)

For me, the technique helped divide my huge 2-hour task into chunks of 4 Pomodoros, but I felt I could spend more than 25 minutes until I wanted a break, the case could be different for you. I usually feel more comfortable completing my task in one go, but sometimes, as I mentioned, I wait for that right time to start, so Pomodoro helped me in the sense of just starting working on my project work.

Source: Pinterest

I will be continuing it for 2 months at least because it’s the requirement of my busy schedule.

But no restraints to you!

Try it yourself, once or twice, and check if it works well for you or not 😉

